Our Adopt Hope Night of Worship and Thanksgiving Dinner is set to be an unforgettable evening for our entire community! The night begins with an eruption of praise from a worship team formed out of 4 local area churches. Along with powerful music, the night will include moving stories about the heart of the Father for the heart of the orphan with a preview of the dreams of Adopt Hope for this community. Following this unifying time of praise, we will continue to celebrate and enjoy the season with a full Thanksgiving meal down in our Family Life Center Gym. To sign up for the meal, see the form below. 

For more about Adopt Hope, please visit adopthope.net

Nursery care is provided for children 0-5 years. Click here to register your child.

For more information about the Thanksgiving Meal, please contact Donna Hogue

Email | (805) 857-4680